
Forge empire forum
Forge empire forum

Your candidate will soon be added to the MB subpage.

forge empire forum

Three days after the proposal has been made, if the character has been approved, you may post the writeup (the text to be posted on the trope page itself) on the thread and send it to the drafts page.

forge empire forum

The number of upvotes must outnumber the downvotes by at least five for the character to be considered "approved". After the proposal, there will be a 72-hour discussion and voting period, where people may ask questions and vote on the candidate.

forge empire forum

An EP is not outright required, but please be mindful that if a post becomes too clunky and unorganized, it can be very hard for other people to follow.

  • If you have a candidate to propose, you can simply come right in and propose them! If the character's run is brief, such as a single issue of a comic book, then a simple summary of their actions and any potential mitigating features will be enough for longer-running candidates, an effortpost (EP) might be helpful for organizing the proposal.

  • Forge empire forum